The artist Manuel M. Romero inaugurated last Thursday, May 9, a solo exhibition entitled “A brown silence” at the Centro Párraga.
“In a hypervisual society like ours, in which the image accelerates and time evaporates, in which everything solid vanishes into thin air, the painting of Manuel M. Romero confronts us with a thick and deep time, formed by layers of memory that require calm and dilation. In his work we always find a tension between the power of the great pictorial and material image that imposes its presence in space and the subtlety, sometimes at the limit of the perceptible, of the small traces, marks, traces and residues in which the gaze is abyssed. An optical unconscious, as Benjamin defined that whole series of “worlds of images that inhabit the minuscule”. Worlds that vibrate and emerge when we stop before the image.”
– Excerpt from the text by Miguel Ángel Hernández