
Lawrence Corby

His collages suggest a work from the minimum and the vulnerable. A work, however, meticulous, that in small spaces and with actions that are not always evident, calls into question even the limits of the pictorial discipline itself.

His fragments of canvas painted and pasted on the canvas itself function as planes of color and are halfway between patchwork and painting. Irregularly shaped adhered fragments that maintain a memory of the previous space they occupied. Fringes and remnants of the cutout make the viewer aware that what happens on the canvas is a collision of different contexts. A collision of universes that, however, in the pictorial space, are articulated to generate a complex visual experience, dominated by the fragmentary, the unstable and the contingent. And above all because of the contrast between the appearance of neglect and precariousness, the meticulousness with which the work has been carried out.

Lawrence Corby, You Were Always on My Mind, 2015
Oil, acrylic and shellac on paper and canvas on canvas
36 x 46 cm
Lawrence Corby, I'm here. You're there, 2017
Oil, acrylic and gouache on paper and canvas
36 x 27 cm
Lawrence Corby, Spanish painting, 2017
oil, acrylic, gouache and shellac on paper and canvas on linen
33 x 24 cm
Lawrence Corby, Stand by Me, 2016
Oil, acrylic and shellac on paper and canvas on canvas with wooden slat
56 x 38.5 cm
Lawrence Corby, Looking at Greek Vases, 2017
Oil, acrylic and gouache on paper on canvas
36 x 27 cm 2017
Lawrence Corby, Fourth winter painting, 2014/2015
oil and acrylic on paper on linen with aluminum foil
33.5 x 25.5 cm