Kirsten Hutsch inaugurates Surface Tension II at Pulchri Studio.

SURFACE TENSION II at Pulchri Studio
Duo exhibition of Kirsten Hutsch and Esther Jiskoot

In the work of artists, the surface plays an important role, but what is more important is what lies beyond the surface. The surface is the key to a certain reality. While Hutsch’s approach is more philosophical and Jiskoot more intuitive, both are deeply fascinated by the intrinsic value, “the molecules,” of the materials they are working with. They are questioning the extensibility of a surface: what penetrates through and what remains on the surface, but also what the surface’s function implies: is it binding, shielding, or just granting access. Through deconstruction and ‘reviving’ the Hutsch and Jiskoot materials arrive at certain results.

Pulchri Studio from March 23 to April 16. Den haag